For those who love the vision of Henri Nouwen, a Roman Catholic priest who wrote 35 books and blessed the lives of so many people around the world. . . . I was recently interviewed by the new executive director of the Henri Nouwen Society, Wendy Vanderwal Martin. She’s a smart and lovely person who is blessed to bring alive the awakening joy of Henri’s message to us, that we are each the beloved of God (original belovedness, rather than original sin). This vision sounds attractive, but as a psychologist who has journeyed through some dark passages myself, I can say from personal experience that it’s difficult to realize belovedness because we are complicated and complex creatures. I was one of Henri’s close friends in the last ten years of his life; we supported each other through some hard times. In this interview I share a glimpse of how Henri helped me to feel inwardly accompanied by the Voice that is always saying, “I see you, I know you, and I love you.” In this interview I respond to the new book, “Henri J.M. Nouwen: Following Jesus”.